Friday, April 04, 2008

London Wicket Event

A week ago, I reserved a seat for London Wicket Event held at Google office on April 2nd. It was the first event I attended after wetting my hands on Wicket.

To tell you the truth, Wicket is amazing. Full of flexibility, as a Java developer you get more control, no big configuration XMLs to maintain, LITTLE or NO JAVA SCRIPT !!! You can do more wonders, less coding, easy code maintenance and more over everything is JAVA.

Around 27 people in the conference room were from different companies and different domains but they were all murmuring only one buzz word "WICKET".

The event went very well with one presenter explaining about the DOJO integration with Wicket while Al gave a superb presentation on doing Photoshop like activities with our Wicket. Once it was completed, then we formed small groups discussing the solutions for various real scenarios we faced.

If you like to attend the event, watch out this space.