Thursday, November 29, 2007

Custom Condition in ANT

Here is an example of custom ant task.

The custom condition validates the current execution time with the time interval specified.

package com.package.ant.customTask;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime;

* This class checks whether the current time lies between the specified time
* range.
* @author Srikanth NT
public class BetweenTimeRangeCondition implements Condition {
private String startTimePeriod = "00:01";
private String endTimePeriod = "06:30";

* @see
public boolean eval() throws BuildException {
DateTime startsAt = getValidTime(startTimePeriod);
DateTime endsAt = getValidTime(endTimePeriod);

if (startsAt.isAfter(endsAt)) {
throw new BuildException("Start time period cannot be greater than End time period.");

return (startsAt.isBeforeNow() && endsAt.isAfterNow());

* Validates the given time.
* @param timePeriod
* @return
* @throws BuildException
private DateTime getValidTime(String timePeriod) throws BuildException {
MutableDateTime testCalendar = new MutableDateTime();
if (timePeriod.indexOf(':') != 2 && timePeriod.lastIndexOf(':') != 2) {
throw new BuildException("Time period '" + timePeriod + "' should be in the format 'hh:mm' (24 Hour).");

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BuildException("Time period '" + timePeriod + "' should be in the format 'hh:mm' (24 Hour).");
return testCalendar.toDateTime();

* @param startTimePeriod
public void setStartTimePeriod(String startTimePeriod) {
this.startTimePeriod = startTimePeriod;

* @param endTimePeriod
public void setEndTimePeriod(String endTimePeriod) {
this.endTimePeriod = endTimePeriod;


And in the build.xml include the following lines.

<typedef name="betweentime" classname="com.package.ant.customTask.BetweenTimeRangeCondition" classpath="BetweenTimeRangeCondition.class" />

<fail message="Failing the build.">
<betweentime startTimePeriod="00:01" endTimePeriod="06:30" />